Welcome to our Trusted, Efficient and Convenient method for administering Amateur Radio/ Ham Radio Exams/ Testing! Home base for the team is Nampa, Idaho, but the VE's are from all over the country and several countries around the world. Your KJ7QZJ Test Team is anxious to meet you!
Are you ready to have some fun.
We try to make it as easy and comfortable for you as we can. We have all been where you are right now. We know what you are going through.
When you register for your exam at HamStudy.org. New applicants will apply for and immediately receive an FCC FRN. This number is required on your application for your new/upgraded license. It replaces your Social Security number on the application. Current license holders already have a FRN associated with their existing call sign.
Register for an exam, from the sessions scheduled.
W5YI remote- KJ7QZJ HamStudy.org: Find an Exam Session
Idaho, Treasure Valley-W5YI in Person Testing- CCCTEST HamStudy.org: Find an Exam Session
Pay for your exam, the cost is $14.00 for W5YI and can be paid one of two ways. Either on Square or Zelle at your bank or on the app and my email kj7qzj@outlook.com and my name Debi Lampe-Homyk. For Square payment just click the following link. https://square.link/u/XDoqMAR0 for W5YI for KJ7QZJ & CCCTEST test sessions .
For ARRL Exams-ARRL-ID HamStudy.org: Find an Exam Session
Pay for your exam, the cost is $15.00 for ARRL, and can be paid one of two ways. Either on Square or Zelle at your bank or on the app and my email kj7qzj@outlook.com and my name Debi Lampe-Homyk. For Square payment just click the following link. https://square.link/u/nSVO8WHL for AARL for ARRL-ID test session
We strive to make your testing experience one that is fun, comfortable and relaxing for you as well as the VE’s.
1: Please have your Photo Identification; State issue Photo ID will work, Passport will also work.
2: EXAM TIMES: Your exam is NEVER Timed. Plan on around 20 minutes for your exam.
3: YOUTH UNDER 13 YEARS OF AGE. The Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) though, requires that the parents or guardian of remote examination applicants under the age of 13, to complete a COPPA form. https://blog.hamstudy.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ExamTools_COPPA_form.pdf
Please have a parent or legal guardian download and complete this form as part of the registration process at HamStudy.org. Please email this completed form to coppa@examtools.org as well as kj7qzj@outlook.com
4: SCRATCH PAPER. Yes, you can have one sheet of blank/clear prior to your exam. If it is used, we will briefly check it before and after your exam.
5: INSTALL ZOOM: we recommended that you go to Zoom.us and install the desktop client. There is no need to setup an account simply download the program. Be sure to disable any blurring or virtual background you might have applied to zoom. Install the Zoom app on both your computer and your cell phone & table. You will probably need 2 devices for the exam.
6: EXPECT AN EMAIL INVITATION: You will receive an email zoom invitation 15 minutes before exam time. We are sometimes ahead of schedule so be ready to accept the invite and join the meeting when you receive the email do not wait till the meeting time. Check your spam folder sometimes it finds it way there.
7: Sorry, No Physical Calculators, you can use an on screen one. No Wearable Technology, take your smart watch off and put it in another room, No Earbuds, headsets, smart eyewear during the exam.
8: RECORDING CONSENT/ROOM SCAN: You will be ask to consent to being video recorded. Your room will be scanned, so please remove all items you do not wish to be recorded along with a view of the desktop area where you will be testing at. You agree to the recording, storage and distribution of video, images and audio from the meeting.
9: Special Needs/ Requests: We are well aware of the special needs some have and we are happy to offer reasonable accommodations for you to complete your exam. We have provisions for sight impaired applicants as well. Please contact me ahead of your scheduled exam date with what considerations you might require to have a successful exam.
10: ONE MONITOR: Please have extra monitors turned off and turned around or covered with a towel or blanket.
11: CAN YOU TAKE MORE THAN ONE EXAM? Yes you will be offered to take the next class license on successful completion of the first exam. If you pass the Technician and General class exams, you will be offered the Amateur Extra as well. Study for all three but remember that you must past the Technician first.
12: YOU MUST BE ALONE IN THE ROOM. While taking the exam no one else can be in the room.
13: There will be other instructions to follow, but remember you have this. Do the work and you will be rewarded with success. This is supposed to be a fun time and you will be with people who have also taken these exams. Just relax and take a deep breath.
After you pass your exam:
We also encourage you to join your local club and get involved. To help advance your skills, volunteer locally and be part of this growing community of Ham Radio operators.
I have the privilege of working with some of the best Examiners in the country. I am fortunate to call them my friends and colleagues.
For questions or concerns contact me at 208.352.2111
You can schedule your exam now. If you need a different time let me know. Simply scan the QR code or click the KJ7QZJ logo below.
I am accredited with the following Volunteer Examiner Coordinators
I am a Contact Volunteer Examiner with W5YI, and I am anxious to meet you soon for your next test.
I am also a Team Lead for ARRL, and I am anxious to meet you soon for your next test
So you can choose if you want to test in a W5YI or ARRL room. We have both to offer.